Lac La Croix Indian Pony

5 07 2006

Wabanag, LLCIP geldingNow here’s a rare heritage breed I’d never heard of before! Here’s a description from Equi Lore Farm in Castleton, Ontario:

The LLCIP, as we know it today, has been in Northern Minnesota and Northern Ontario since at least the time of Canada’s Confederation, before borders were cleanly established and “lines” were drawn. According to Wally Olsen, who visited the village of Lac La Croix weekly in the 40s and 50s, the elders oft spoke of the ponies that were residing there and had done so “as far back as they could remember”. Given the age of the elders of the village and their tradition for preserving history and educating their young via story-telling and recounting their past, that would put the ponies in the village (in Ontario) in the mid 1800’s if not earlier.

At one point there were only four of these ponies remaining; although they are still listed as “critical” on the Rare Breeds Canada website with fewer than 15 foals being born each year, there are more than 96 animals living today, and genetic studies are underway. Just found a recent news article from the Fort Frances Times: Lac La Croix ponies making a comeback.

Some more links:

Rare Breeds Canada

LLCIP Society

The Story of the Indian Ponies at Lac La Croix

McLeod Creek Farm



3 responses

4 01 2007
The Native Pony magazine « Bridlepath

[…] not native as in “aboriginal” or “Indian pony“; rather, this is a magazine devoted to the pony breeds of Britain: Fell, Dartmoor, Exmoor, […]

29 03 2007
Five breeds you've (probably) never heard of « Bridlepath

[…] Honourable mention: Lac La Croix Indian Pony […]

27 06 2008

The Lac La Croix Indian Pony sounds interesting. Anyone interested in this breed would also be interested in the Nokota horse and the Nokota Horse Conservancy.

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